Human Embraced was born out of the desire to support people to feel seen, held and accepted - in all their messy humanness.
Hello 👋 I’m Jasmine, the creator and director at Human Embraced. I support people to reach their goals, feel seen, and live in deeper alignment with who they truly are. Connecting with someones essence and hope, and supporting this part of them to flourish is at the heart of my work.
All parts of you are welcome at Human Embraced. I value authenticity and I encourage others to be themselves. I believe that each person has unique and beautiful qualities and I love to support people to find and/or express who they are, breakthrough their barriers, implement strategies and create a life that reflects their deepest desires. To me, your life is really really important.
While I’m gentle, calming, warm and supportive, I’m also really fierce, outgoing, fun and energetic. Humour is SO important to me. I love making people laugh, and I like to bring humour and fun to my work with people. I don’t know where I would be (or really where any of us would be) without a good deep belly laugh. Working towards what you want can be really hard and serious, and it can also be really wonderful and fun.
I have dedicated years of my life and copious amounts of my energy to learning about how to support others, how to support myself, and how to make the most out of my time on earth. I have personal lived experience of Trauma (C-PTSD), Addiction, Mental Health and Eating Disorder recovery and I have explored more healing modalities and strategies for goal obtainment than glasses of water I’ve drunk (I am lying here for dramatic effect).
Qualifications and Experience
A Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Psychology - The University of Queensland
A Bachelor of Communication - The University of Queensland
Three year Diploma of Integrated Body Psychotherapy - The Institute of Body Psychotherapy (In Progress)
Over a decades experience working with people in Human Services roles (7 of those years in the NDIS)
My approach in supporting others draws on all my knowledge and experience in human services, psychology, mentoring and somatic psychotherapy. I believe strongly in person-centred and inclusive support.
I like to go for really long walks, listen to indie folk or rap music, read non-fiction books, watch comedy, play basketball, go to the gym, sing, eat nourishing food, swim at the beach, travel and spend time laughing with my friends and my community.
I am a member of the LGBTQI+ community and as the name Human Embraced suggests, I am open to learning about and working with all diversities.
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well, can we be present with the darkness of others.”
— Pema Chödrön